Yozons has a long tradition of making use of open source software, since its very startup back in 2000. Read the IEEE Computer article written by the founder back in December 2001. It created both Open eSignForms and CKEditor for Vaadin projects. Yozons eSignForms is not offered as open source and requires a commercial license. eSignForms is Made in the USA.

This is the third-party software used by Yozons eSignForms for deployment. We believe it is exhaustive and correct. Please let us know if you know otherwise.

Yozons eSignForms is not suitable for military use, or for any high-security, high-risk, life-or-death purposes.

JARs and script files from other open source projects are used by Yozons eSignForms and are included in our source code repository, or via Maven, to allow for successful builds; you may be more comfortable downloading the code directly from the appropriate web site we've linked to.

Many free licenses suggest redistribution must contain references to their various license files and/or access to the source code that is available there, and Yozons eSignForms makes no pretense that such software is to be redistributed here as it can be freely retrieved from the appropriate site. If we are found in violation of any specifics, please let us know and we'll do our best to rectify matters, or if we prefer, we will remove any offending software from our build process libraries so that developers will need to acquire and install such libraries themselves in order to successfully build this software. Any third-party code that is "conveyed" with Yozons eSignForms includes the code as it was retrieved from the owner's sites, mostly without any modifications or modified for embedded use, and we attempt to give them all credit with references here, and we put the various license files in the folder webapps/ROOT/thirdpartylicense.

Deployment software License Description
Adobe PDF icon Adobe PDF file icon permission We use the PDF icon as distributed in location typical of Vaadin themes (VAADIN/themes/yozonsesf/icons/adobe16).
Amazon AWS SNS (for SMS) 2.17.183 Amazon Web Service to use and the Java SDK is under the Apache License Version 2.0 We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Annotorious MIT We make use of boxLabel project code from Nicolas D. Jimenez which is built on the annotorious javascript library.
Apache Commons fileUpload 1.4 (obsoleted as of 20.6.27) Apache License Version 2.0 We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Apache Commons IO 2.5 (obsoleted as of 20.6.27) Apache License Version 2.0 We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Apache Commons Logging 1.2 Apache License Version 2.0 We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Apache Log4j 2 2.23.1 Apache License Version 2.0 We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Apache PDFBox 1.8.17 along with its dependencies FontBox 1.8.17 and JempBox 1.8.17 Apache License Version 2.0 We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Apache POI 3.10-FINAL Apache License Version 2.0 We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Apache Tomcat 9.0.90 Apache License Version 2.0 Optional free platform. Software not included. We use the binary distribution.
Bootstrap 3 MIT We make use of the Bootstrap CSS+JS for our public web sites.
Bouncycastle JCE and PKIX/CMS 1.77 Adaptation of the MIT X11 License We use the binary distribution with the JARs in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Chart.js 2.7.2 GPL, MIT We use the unmodified 'binary' distribution referenced by the Vaadin Chart.js Addon.
CKEditor 4.21.1 GPL, LGPL, MPL or commercial We use the unmodified 'binary' distribution in the location typical of GWT 'public' scripts. We assume the LGPL.
Fat Cow Free Web Icons Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License We use various icons as distributed in location typical of Vaadin themes (VAADIN/themes/yozonsesf/icons/fatcow16). We also used some as the basis for customized icons that are stored separately (VAADIN/themes/yozonsesf/icons/esf/), but contain the "fatcow_" prefix to show their roots (derivative works), though the images themselves have been modified (rotated, images combined, colors changed, resized, pixels modified, etc.) from those in the original distribution. All such modified images are licensed under the AGPL when used with Yozons eSignForms, but they are also licensed under the same Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 for use elsewhere.
Fugue Icons Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License We use various icons as distributed in location typical of Vaadin themes (VAADIN/themes/yozonsesf/icons/fugue16).
Google Fonts - Pacifico, by Vernon Adams SIL Open Font License, 1.1 We make use of the font via our esf.css styles.
GNU on Linux Kernel Various GNU GPL and LGPL Optional free platform. Software not included. We use CentOS 6. While GPL, they run stand-alone and Yozons eSignForms has no hooks to them, thus can be used even in commercial settings.
Google Web Toolkit Apache License Version 2.0 Free software bundled with Vaadin that is included as libraries and generated user interface code. We place the 'binary' distribution in the various locations that are typical of the GWT style (GWT is only used during development, as the compiled JavaScript runs in production).
OpenJDK 22 runtime and/or Java SE 8 development GPL 2.0. No-cost, open source platform. Software not included. We use the binary JDK distribution.
Java Activation 1.2.0 COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.1 or GPL 2. We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 8 Export restrictions Optional no-cost platform (required for higher grade encryption where available) if running on pre-Java 9. Software not included. We used the binary distribution. This product is covered and controlled by U.S. Export Control laws and may be subject to the export or import laws in other countries.
Java Glassfish - JSR 374 (JSON Processing) API COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL)Version 1.1 and GPL 2.0. We use the binary distribution with the javax.json and java.json-api JARs in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
JavaMail 1.6.2 COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL)Version 1.1. We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
jBCrypt 0.3 ISC/BSD Licence We copied the essentially unmodified source file to package com.esignforms.open.crypto.jBCrypt.
JDOM Proprietary open license that allows free redistribution. This product includes software developed by the JDOM Project (http://www.jdom.org/). We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
libphonenumber 8.13. Apache License Version 2.0 We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
OCB (Offset Codebook Mode) for block cipher encryption Free for Open Source and Free for Non-Military Use We use the binary distribution provided by the BouncyCastle APIs. Military use will require a license fee.
PostgreSQL 13.3 BSD License Optional free platform. Software not included. We compile from source with ./configure --prefix=/home/esignforms/postgresql/pg11 --with-pam
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.5.0 BSD License Optional free platform. We put the pre-built JDBC 4 JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Thumbnailator 0.4.20 Thumbnailator BSD/MIT-like License We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Twilio Authy 1.5.1 Commercial License We use the binary distribution with the JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp. The Authy mobile apps are free for users. But the use of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) must be purchased by the deployment operator using this optional feature. Read more about which industries require 2FA.
URL Rewrite Filter 4.0.3 BSD 3-Clause License Optional free software included as libraries. Software not included. We place the binary distribution JAR in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
Vaadin 8.14.4 Apache License Version 2.0 Free software included as libraries and themes. We place the binary distribution and themes in the various locations that are typical of the Vaadin style. Note that version 8.14.3 is last Vaadin-supported open source version for the Vaadin 8 framework, but being open source, it can still be maintained internally. The Vaadin 8.14.4 release is the first Yozons build based on 8.14.3 code and is maintained in GitHub.
Vaadin Directory components: Apache License Version 2.0 Free software included as libraries. We place the binary distribution JARS in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp.
ConfirmDialog 3.2.0
DNDScroll Add-on 2.0.2
DragDropLayouts 1.4.2
PopupButton 3.0.0
ResetButtonForTextField 1.2.1 renamed ResetButtonForTextField7 for compatibility
resetbutton-vaadin8 1.0
TableExport bundled for compatibility
Vaadin Chart.js 1.4.0
wkhtmltopdf 0.12.6 LGPL We use the unmodified 'static binary' distribution and put it in the 'bin' folder (just needs to be available via the PATH when executing the command from Java running Tomcat). On Linux, many install in /usr/local/bin. As of 6/27/2022, the HtmlToPdf converter can use Google Chrome for PDF generation instead of wkhtmltopdf.

This is the third-party software used by Yozons eSignForms developers, in addition to the software listed above. We believe it is exhaustive and correct. Please let us know if you know otherwise. Again, no code changes are made to these software components, nor are they needed for run-times.

Developer software License Description
Ajaxload.info "Generated GIFs are totally free for use" Generated our spinning application loading GIF.
Apache OpenOffice Apache License Version 2.0 Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used for compatibility with Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint. See also LibreOffice.
Apple Mac OS X Commercial proprietary? Various open source Optional platform. No source code is available. Software not included. We use Mac OS X for development only, but it may be used for deployment.
Apple Safari Commercial proprietary? Various open source Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers. We use the binary distribution.
CVS - Concurrent Versions System GNU GPL Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers. We use the binary distribution.
Cygwin GNU GPL Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers. We use the binary distribution.
Eclipse Eclipse Public License Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers. We use the binary distribution.
FileZilla GNU GPL Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers and operations staff. We use the binary distribution.
Google Chrome Commercial proprietary? Various open source Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers and systems that use Chrome instead of wkhtmltopdf for HTML to PDF conversion. We use the binary distribution.
LibreOffice GNU LGPLv3 Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used for compatibility with Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint. See also OpenOffice.
Microsoft Internet Explorer Commercial proprietary Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers. We use the binary distribution.
Microsoft Windows Commercial proprietary Optional platform. No source code is available. Software not included. We use Windows for development only, but it may be used for deployment.
Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Public License Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers. We use the binary distribution.
Opera Commercial proprietary? Various open source Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers. We use the binary distribution.
Password Safe Artistic License 2.0 Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers and operations staff. We use the binary distribution.
s3tools.org s3cmd GNU GPL Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by operations for offsite storage of backups on Amazon S3, a commercial service. We use the unmodified distribution.
SpotBugs GNU LGPL Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers. We use the binary distribution Eclipse plug-in.
WinSCP GNU GPL Optional no-cost platform. Software not included. Used by developers and operations staff. We use the binary distribution.

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